Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What the next president needs to do

This comes from The Heritage foundation. If you are not familiar with them you should check them out at

  1. Make the tax cuts permanent and enact fundamental reforms to the tax code;
  2. Rein in runaway government spending and halt the practice of pork-barrel earmarks;
  3. Make health insurance more affordable by ending the tax preference for employer-based health care and creating a national market in insurance;
  4. Demand accountability in the United Nations;
  5. Increase American competitiveness in the international economy by cutting corporate tax rates, increasing energy supplies and cutting back government red tape;
  6. Secure the borders;
  7. Fully fund our nation's armed forces by spending at least four percent of GDP on the military;
  8. Enact a Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget and limit tax increases;
  9. Stop spending Social Security surpluses on other government programs; and
  10. Give parents more flexibility in their children's education and work to restore federalism in education policy.
Some of the most successful policy changes this country has ever seen have come from investigation that they have done. For Example:
  • The Reagan revolution. "We published 'Mandate for Leadership,"' explaining how to rebuild American military and economic power. President Reagan read it. He gave it to his cabinet members. And he acted on it. Within a decade, the Iron Curtain fell, and former satellite states claimed their freedom."
  • Missile defense, "another policy long championed by Heritage, is advancing. Poland recently agreed to allow the U.S. to base missile interceptors on its territory. The military has also conducted successful interceptor tests over the Pacific Ocean, and installed defensive weapons in California and Alaska. The system is far from complete. But Americans are safer from missile attack than they've ever been."
  • Welfare reform. Heritage experts proposed an alternative to the failed policies of the "war on poverty." "Reward work; encourage families to stay together, and put a reasonable limit on how long people may receive public assistance. These reforms worked. Millions of people left the welfare rolls and landed jobs. Others entered training programs or finished their education."
I highly recommend taking a look at their work.

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